Mafia Definitive Edition Review

Mafia Definitive Edition Review

The very first Mafia game, developed by “Illusion Softworks” released in 2002 is a pioneer for story based open world games. Mafia Definitive Edition is an amazing remake of that original game by “Hangar 13”. In this article, I’ll review this game, and tell you my thoughts, put up the good and bad sides of the game, and help you decide if you should buy it or not.

mafia definitive edition by hangar 13

Mafia Definitive Edition has completely been remade with new casts, new motion capture, and also new voice actors. Although the old voice actors are missed, you still get attached to the characters, especially the protagonist, Tommy Angelo. Every mission in this game is unique and serves a purpose in the story. Every fight feels like it’s there for a reason.

chasing plane

The game takes place in the 1930s in the fictional city of Lost Heaven, which is based on the real life city of Chicago. You play as Tommy Angelo, a taxi driver whose life changed after he came across Sam and Paulie one night. He changed from just another taxi driver to a mob gangster in a matter of days joining the Salieri crime family. The story is unfolded to you through a series of flashbacks where Tommy Angelo discusses his rise and fall as a gangster in the city within the infamous Salieri crime family.

cinematic shooting

Positive sides of the game

The game looks and feels great. From photorealistic environment, to amazing sound design. The reflections look great. The animations are good, and the transition from one animation to the other look fluid. The optimization is still good enough for these amazing graphics. The story is still as good as the original game, however, some missions have been tweaked and some have been extended. And yes, there’s still that infamous race mission. I recommend playing the game with driving in simulation mode, and also set police response to simulation. This will cause the police to pull you over if you over speed, and also the driving will be realistic, which will add a fine bit of immersion to your experience.


Things the game could’ve done better

One thing the game could’ve done better, is to make every injury to the sidekicks count. Say Paulie gets shot in a mission. The very next mission, he’s alright. How? The mission will be set a few months after the mission when he’s shot. What the game could’ve done, is to add a mission or two without Paulie. The sidekicks would have been more memorable as a result. Another thing is the gunplay, which is kind of disappointing. Mafia 3 was a game with amazing gunplay, at least in my opinion. So I didn’t expect this from Hangar 13.

walking with sarah

Negative sides of the game

The game is mostly linear. There’s not much to do in this game other than the story. You can explore the Open World in the Free Ride mode. But still, there’s not much to do. Hangar 13 surely could’ve added some scripted events. Even better, some hideouts you can raid. Shooting while driving is too barebones. Although the world is beautiful, it adds nothing to the gameplay.


Final Verdict:

Mafia Definitive Edition is an amazing remake of the original 2002 game, with modern graphics, new casts, new motion capture, and new voiceover. Although it might not be the game with the best gameplay, the story makes up for that. I recommend playing this game if you’re a fan of story driven games. It’s not the game that focuses a lot on gameplay. The primary focus of this game is story-telling. So keep that in mind if you’re planning to pick it up. Overall, it’s a great game and I suggest picking it up if you haven’t played the original one.

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