You are searching for “yellow screen” means, either you already know what it is or you are suffering from it. For those who do not know what it means, let me explain, most the of electronic device screens for the likes of smartphone, tablet, smartwatch, computer, laptop even televisions in some cases can be turned to yellow.
However, it can be a hardware issue as well. If your display color profile is damaged or the operating system is messed up, there is a possibility that you are going to experience it. Don’t worry we are going to talk about both and get it solved.
Thank you to the tech support guy who, for some reason, had my mother change her Chromebook screen to Night Light, making me spend an hour over the phone listening to how her screen was now yellow and then slowly walking her through the fix.
— Barbara Krasnoff (@BarbaraKrasnoff) October 20, 2020
Why is my Screen Yellow?
Like i said already, either it can be a problem or blessing. It was introduced in digital devices to counter the effects of blue lights that these devices emit. This blue light is blamed to be primary cause of screen time disease. A lot of screen time can create problems over the time. Headache, sleep problems, violent behavior, anger issues, irritability, dizzy eye are some known issues that grow over time as spend more time in front of digital devices. More about screen time here.
To counter these display related health issues, electronic device manufactures added this option called “Blue Light Filter” in devices. IOS, android, windows, mac OS almost all known and popular operating system does have this feature. Once you turn on the filter, your screen turns Yellow. Basically removing blue glow gives the screen a yellowish warm glow.
Is it Irritating?
In most cases, the yellow tint at the beginning is going to feel irritating. But in first few hours it reported that the experience gets better. The warm tone feels soft and sooths eye. Many users even reported these to relief them from headache. Even the excessive blue tint might look sharp and cool at the same, but its going to create more problem over time. While the the filter will overcome the initial discomfort in while and going to make your overall digital life easier.
If you don’t like the filter, might want to try the blue light blocking glasses. UV and blue light protective wearable glasses are getting popular in recent years. A quick google search might reach you to some of them quickly.
Windows System Fix
In case your yellow screen problem is in the operating systems color profile and you did not do it deliberately. There is possibility that its color profile is off. To fix this you have to access Control Panel. Search and select Color Management. Inside color management tab select the monitor/display then check Use my settings for this device box. At the bottom left click Add. Select SRGB Virtual Device Model Profile and click OK. Once done, select the newly added profile and Set as Default Profile, you are done.

Macbook Yellowish Display Fix
Many of the Macbook user reported that their screen has turned yellowish over time. This usually does not fix with color calibration. This is not the normal yellow tint. If you see your screen has a gradient type of effect or the color is not even if you look from bottom or top you mostly likely have a defective screen. My suggestion would be sending it to your nearest service center asap and getting it replaced/fixed. This issue is known as LED dislocation and you can’t fix it but to change is the only way out.

Yellow Screen Of Death
The screen of death can come in many colors, while blue being the most popular purple, brown, yellow, red can also occur but not so common. Most of the times its because or system is not stable. Stability issues can come with operating system or hardware mismatch or cooling issues. To find that out first start checking if your hardware’s are running fine. Run a stress test at least for 15 minutes. Run hwinfo tool in background. A log for the stress time should be able to tell you if there is any temp issue or any hardware like memory or processor, motherboard VRM failing.
okay I'm not going to run anymore bc there are yellow spots on my screen and that's not a good sign.
— Mus ෴ relapse era (@cazfused) October 20, 2020
If everything on the hardware side is okay, this could be a yellow screen windows 10 problem. Easiest way to fix that is by installing a fresh OS and loading the drivers again. But that way you lose your apps and settings mostly. If you don’t want to change it, you need to update the drivers. Reinstalling the display driver should be the ideal start. To find some of our troubleshooting experience check components category.

Faulty Monitor
Or the whole issue could be just a faulty display. If none of the above works, take your monitor to a computer service center. They will check the panel to identify what’s wrong with it. IPS and TN panels were reported before to turn yellow. If its still under warranty you might get it replaced. If not, I would recommend to get a new one. Since a replacement panel costs close to a new one, why bother the repair. Check our monitor category to check few new ones.
Okay that’s all I had in me. Might add more to it if I come across more complains and fixes to the yellow screen. Till then good luck, happy screen time.